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Reduce Burnout Rates By 157% in 4 Simple Steps

Writer's picture: Dr Adeola Mead, NDDr Adeola Mead, ND

O.C. Tanner’s 2020 Global Culture Report revealed that a “poor company culture” increases the incidence rate of moderate-to-severe burnout by 157%!

Company culture can be broadly defined as the shared values, goals, vision, and accepted behaviors a

company and its employees share and operate by.

Company culture is essentially the glue that holds everything together, and without it, or with a toxic one, it all risks coming undone at the seams.

Companies must prioritize the development of a positive company culture because it can improve everything from employee engagement and retention to a company’s bottom line.

With American workers spending 1/3 of their lives on the job, it should come as no surprise that company culture can greatly impact their well-being.

For example, when workplace culture feels toxic, it’s more likely to cause increased stress levels, eventually leading to employee burnout, decreased productivity, and absenteeism.

On the other hand, when employees are part of a supportive and nurturing culture that puts its people first, they are more likely to feel trust, loyalty, and a willingness to collaborate.

4 Steps to Improve Company Culture

1. Establish a vision:

Identify the values, mission, attitudes, and behaviors that make up the company culture you want to instill and define the behaviors that will not be tolerated. You can start with something simple such as striving for a supportive, respectful, and friendly company culture or one that deeply values work-life balance.

2. Communicate the vision to all staff:

Communicate the vision you’re striving for and provide staff and managers with a clear list of what is expected of them in order to uphold company culture.

But don't just talk about it, be about it! 👇🏽

3. Model the company values:

Even when encouraged to take advantage of benefits offered to them, employees may still feel reluctant for fear that if they do, they’ll be regarded as less hard-working or committed to the organization.

It’s so important that managers model the culture they want their employees to reflect – whether it means taking advantage of vacation/sick days, working from home on occasion, or cutting out early to catch the kids’ after-school game.

4. Prioritize employee well-being:

Weave well-being into company culture by providing staff benefits that promote physical health and mental well-being. This could include paid vacation time and maternity leave, flexible working schedules, a mentoring or coaching program, weekly walking meetings with a manager, or relationship-building activities for staff.

By promoting actions that build trust and respect within your workforce, you can create a thriving company culture.

VitaliTeam Workplace Wellness helps companies rebuild their cultures from the inside out. With a focus on whole-person well-being, social connection, and instilling a happy, healthy culture, we can help your company make the meaningful changes needed to create a thriving workplace environment for all your staff.

Learn more about the VitaliTeam Workplace Wellness:

Schedule a discovery call today to learn more about how we can help you promote overall organizational health and the individual wellbeing of each member of your team while boosting productivity and profitability.


Adeola Mead is a Naturopathic Physician with 15+ years of clinical experience.

She is the Director of Vitaliteam Workplace Wellness, an agency that helps organizations implement wellness initiatives that improve mental and physical health while creating a culture of connection and camaraderie in wellness.

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